Family Tracks.
A passion for rail transport has been part of the Brimble family for three generations.

A passion for rail transport has been part of the Brimble family for three generations.
The Brimble family as they are known today almost did not exist. “No” was Doris Brosie’s
answer to Raymond Brimble when he first asked her out at the Gresford General Store where
she worked before the community dance that night in 1942.
Ray was the 440th man to enlist for World War II in Tasmania. He was sent to Gresford Army
Camp located at the showgrounds before his fated encounter that day with Doris, the daughter
of local butcher, Milton Brosie and wife, Rosie Brosie. The Brosies were also owners of the
Brosie Tennis Court, the first in Gresford.
Doris did attend the dance later that night and had not one, but three dances with Mr Brimble.
Later in her life, she revealed the reason behind her original decline was to “keep her options
open,” she said. However, Ray Brimble’s vocal performance on stage impressed Doris, and the
rest was history. They eloped only months later before he went back overseas for the remainder
of the war.
A future in rail
When Ray Brimble returned three years later, he began working for the rail lines, starting a
tradition that now spans three generations for the Brimbles. Grandchildren of Ray and Doris,
David, Justin, Rebecca and Bradley Brimble all work for Brimble (formerly Brimble Rail) founded
by David and Justin in 2017.
Brimble is a rail resurfacing company responsible for maintaining the tracks throughout much of
the Hunter Valley and New South Wales and in recent years, has won large national contracts
with rail networks around the country.
In seven years, they have grown from one machine to over 65 with 80 employees. They are
known as a formidable player in Australia’s rail resurfacing sector with one of the most extensive
and technologically advanced fleets in the country.
“We’re incredibly proud of our rolling stock. My siblings and I pooled our funds to buy our very
first resurfacing machine back in 2017 – it was essentially old parts that needed to be
overhauled from the ground up,” said Managing Director, David Brimble.
“From then, we built the company one machine at a time, drawing from our knowledge and
history to guardrail our success.”
Supporting Gresford
The family-owned company owes its founding to Gresford and the community dance that fated
its matriarch and patriarch those years ago.
“Gresford is and always will be important to our family. Pop and Nan loved their community with
everything they had. We owe it to them to ensure it stays strong,” said David Brimble.
Brimble says they are proud to support community events in Gresford, including the annual
Gresford Billy Cart Derby, Gresford Show, Gresford Rodeo and Dungog Show & Rodeo, along
with the local football club.
“Events like the derby keep our community connected. We take our families and look forward to
the race every year. It is up to our generation and our children’s generation to ensure these
events that are the very fabric of Gresford stay intact,” said Brimble.
“Events at the Gresford showgrounds are extra special to us because of their location. Walking
around the grounds reminds us where Pop met Nan and why we’re all here today.”
The 22nd Gresford Billy Cart Derby is on Saturday 30th March 2024 at the Gresford